Fire and EMS applications are available by emailing
We are a Combination Fire Department with Volunteers and Paid Staff answering almost 2000 calls a year.
Hello Riceville Family and Friends. We are currently rebuilding our web page due to unfortunate circumstances with our previous web page owner. Please check back daily to see what has improved.
Applications are available under the document section or email
2023 Holiday and Awards Dinner
2023 Holiday and Awards Dinner
2023 Holiday and Awards Dinner
2023 Holiday and Awards Dinner
2023 Holiday and Awards Dinner
2023 Holiday and Awards Dinner
Guest Chief Penland speaking on the relationship between Station 6 and Station 11
Carla McLendon accepting The RVFD Board President's Award from President Dan Little
Mary Brown accepting from Chief Tom Kelly and President Dan Little
Print your copy to bring with you when stop in to see Santa on December 9, 2023 between 1-3 pm, Cookies, milk, and hot chocolate will be served.
These fires may seem insignificant at first but injuries can happen to our Firefighters so quickly as they protect your property. Look around dailey as to what you have on the ground. Then look up for trees that are haning over your home.
Closing one door may prevent the fire from spreading to other rooms. Most importantly closing the door may not save your house but it could save your life!
Our department has a team of trained Fire Life Safety Educators who can come check your smoke detector. If yours is older than 10 years replace ASAP. Contact to request assistance with your smoke detectors.
Sprinklers help keep small fires small. Visit the Home Sprinkler Coalition for more infofrmation
Kid Free Zone
Always take a look and most importantly take the child with you because seconds count.
Share with the kids, make an appointment to visit your local Fire House so they kids know who we are in our work clothes.
Coming soon the Riceville Volunteer Fire Deparrtment Quarterly Training Calendar. All Emergency Service Personnel are welcome to attend, just call ahead or email our Training Officer Division Chief Jason McEntire to confirm your attendance as well as any required PPE or other needed items. or 828-298-2456 ext 4
Community College Partnerships
Riceville Volunteer Fire Department has openings for Volunteer Members to serve either as Operations or Auxillary Support. Riceville VFD is very fortunate to have a Chaplain who is willing to not only serve as a Pastor with one of our founding churches, but also provide comfort during the most challenging situations we face. This service is for all who serve and live in the Riceville Community.
Staffing positions for Certified Firefighters and EMS personnel for a 911 response ALS ambulance as well. Let us help you reach your goals. If you don't have the training and/or certification we can help! Stop by during regular business hours. Applications are available either by stopping by the station 2251 Riceville Rd Asheville NC 28805 or by emailing
Service for others is the greatest achievement!
Chair- Dan Little, Vice Chair - Kent Creasman, Treasurer - Lisa McCallister, Secretary Carla McLendon. Directors - Lee Barrett, Butch Laughter, Steve Wickham, and Merel Johnson
The next Meeting of the Board of Directors will be April 21, 2025 @ 6:30 pm
The Riceville VFD has been gifted a 2025 Kawasaki Mule to be used as we continue our efforts of recovery from the Community devastation from Hurricane Helene. Thank you MR Honda for helping finalize the project and training our responders on the operations.
Chief Kelly has been with Riceville Volunteer Fire Department since 2020 working on both the ambulance and fire crews during the height of Covid-19. Chief Kelly began his service in 1988 as a volunteer till 1995. In 1995 he began working fulltime in Buncombe County as a FF/EMT and through the ranks to Assistant Chief/Training Officer. Now is the time to get ready for the FUTURE!
Chief McEntire supports the Mission of the Riceville Volunteer Fire Department as the Training Officer. Todays Training Officer has to bring lesson learned from the past and integrate them with today's fire service culture. Many things today are technology based creating challenges for any program. With his networking, Chief McEntire has been able to keep RVFD service ready for the future.
The Captains are an important key to the daily Operations as Shift and Crew Supervisors ensuring preparedness comes first. Their training prepares coordinated fire/rescue/EMS efficiency. As middle management, they are given budget responsibilities, represent the RVFD standards of excellence, and support the Vision for the future of RVFD.
The Captains are an important key to the daily Operations as Shift and Crew Supervisors ensuring preparedness comes first. Their training prepares coordinated fire/rescue/EMS efficiency. As middle management, they are given budget responsibilities, represent the RVFD standards of excellence, and support the Vision for the future of RVFD.
Volunteer Members
Auxiliary Members
We offer free training for both Firefighter and EMS positions for our Volunteers. Application packet located in our document section.
Would you like to hear what is happening around the Riceville Community and the 11 House? Send us your email so we can share information via our Newsletter. (coming soon)